Downloads for standard products

Here, you can find all resources related to our standard readers: Data sheets, latest versions of software tools and SDK as well as all stable versions of our standard firmware. If you’re looking for a version that’s not listed below, please get in touch with us.

Data sheets

The documents here are the same as the ones in the section “Products > Standard”.

Cross-product data sheets

Cross-product properties: Baltech_Cross-Product_Properties_Datasheet_EN_v1.3
Supported card types: Baltech_Cross-Product_Cardtypes_Datasheet_EN_v2.7

ID-engine ZM Module

Data sheet: Baltech_ID-engine-ZM_Datasheet_EN_v2.3
Price list:
3D files (STP format) – 1 and 2 connector break-outs: Baltech_ID-engine-ZM_Housing-3D-STP-Files_v1.0

ID-engine ZB Brick

Data sheet: Baltech_ID-engine-ZB_Datasheet_EN_v2.3
Price list: Baltech_ID-engine_Pricelist_EN_2025-03-26
3D file (STP format): Baltech_ID-engine-ZB_Housing-3D_v1.0

ID-engine XE

Data sheet: Baltech_ID-engine-XE_Datasheet_EN_v2.2
Price list:Baltech_ID-engine_Pricelist_EN_2025-03-26


Data sheet: Baltech_ACCESS200_Datasheet_EN_v2.3
Price list: Baltech_ACCESS200_Pricelist_EN_2025-02-20
Installation guide – configuration via Wired Upoad (USB) or preconfigured readers: Baltech_ACCESS200_Howto-Installation_Wired-Upload_EN_v1.4
Installation guide – configuration via ConfigCard or Wireless Upload (NFC): Baltech_ACCESS200_Howto-Installation_ConfigCard-Wireless-Upload_EN_v1.4
SNET guide for project managers: Baltech_ACCESS200_Howto-Snet-Project-Setup_EN_v1.2
Drill template: Baltech_ACCESS200_Drill-Template_EN_v1.0

Mobile ID

Datenblatt: Baltech_Mobile-ID_Datasheet_EN_v1.3

Cards and transponders

Data sheet: Baltech_Cards-Transponders_Datasheet_EN_v1.0


Price list: Baltech_Accessories_Pricelist_EN_2025-02-20

Conformity certifications

Declaration of conformity for readers – EU DoC, UKCA, EU RoHS, China RoHS, REACH, Conflict Minerals: Baltech_Cross-Product_Declaration-of-Conformity_EN_v1.6
Declaration of conformity for cables – EU DoC, EU RoHS, China RoHS, REACH, Conflict Minerals: Baltech_Cables_Declaration-of-Conformity_EN_v1.0
Country certifications overview: Baltech_Cross-Product_Certifications_EN_v1.0

RMA form

RMA form for returning readers to us: Baltech_Cross-Product_RMA_EN_v1.0

Software tools


v5.00.07 | 23 September 2024
Video | Data sheet| Changelog known issues

Card Formatter

v3.09.04 | 19 February 2025
Data sheet | Changelog & known issues | Documentation

Card Formatter demo job files

Versions and updates
Please always use the latest version of our software tools. This ensures you benefit from the full feature scope and get the latest bug fixes. We’re committed to backward compatibility, so you can safely use new versions with your existing configurations, keys, and other assets in your project.

You’re experiencing an issue?
Before reporting it, please make sure you have the latest version and check the known issues (see the link next to the Download buttons). There you may find a workaround.


v3.19.00 | 10 September 2024
Changelog known issues

Tip: Also install our ToolSuite – it’s great for testing.
Semantic versioning
The SDK uses semantic versioning, i.e. the version number is composed as follows: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH

  • MAJOR: New features that cause breaking changes
  • MINOR: New features that are fully backwards compatible.
  • PATCH: Bug fixes only

This versioning only refers to the dynamic library BRP Lib. The reason is that most features and bugfixes are added there. The static library BALTECH API is an auto-generated wrapper, where changes are less frequent. However, we don’t fully rule out breaking changes even in a minor version.

To avoid adjustments in productive applications when API breaking changes occur, you can update BRP Lib individually and continue to use your current version of the statically linked API.


ID 1100 – ID-engine Z | ACCESS200

Current stable version 2.10

v2.10.05 | 10 December 2024

ID 1094 – ID-engine XE

Current stable version 1.02

v1.02.00 | 22 October 2019

Available versions
Here, you can find the current stable versions of our standard firmware, each in the latest bugfix version. The latet bugfix version is also deployed when new readers are produced. (Learn more about this concept of “rolling releases” in this blog article.)

Additionally you can find selected legacy versions here. Other versions are available on request.

Updating the firmware
In our documentation you’ll learn when an update makes sense and how to install it.

Legacy resources

The following resources apply to our legacy products, i.e. the predecessors of our current reader types ID-engine Z and ACCESS200.

Data sheets

Data sheets for our legacy products. The documents here are the same as the ones in the Products section.

ACCESS55 data sheet: Baltech_Legacy_ACCESS55_Datasheet_EN_v2.2
ACCESS55 pinning RS-485: Baltech_Legacy_ACCESS55_Pinning-RS485_EN_v1.0
ACCESS100 data sheet: Baltech_Legacy_ACCESS100_Datasheet_EN_v1.4
ACCESS100 techncal data: Baltech_Legacy_ACCESS100_Technical-Data_EN_v1.16
ID-engine PAD data sheet: Baltech_Legacy_ID-engine-PAD_Datasheet_EN_v1.8
ID-engine SD data sheet: Baltech_Legacy_ID-engine-SD_Datasheet_EN_v4.0
ID-engine SD pinning: Baltech_Legacy_ID-engine-SD_Pinning_EN_v2.3
ID-engine X starter manual: Baltech_Legacy_ID-engine-X_Starter-Manual_EN_v0.5
ID-engine XG data sheet: Baltech_Legacy_ID-engine-XG_Datasheet_EN_v1.2_10089-xxx-xx 10094-xxx-xx
ID-engine XM Brick data sheet: Baltech_Legacy_ID-engine-XM-BRICK_Datasheet_EN_v1.1_10090-xxx-xx 10099-xxx-xx
LTR-V5 data sheet: Baltech_Legacy_LTR-V5_Datasheet_EN_v1.0
LT6 CM Transponder for ID-engine Z App note: Baltech_Legacy_LT6-CM-Transponder-ID-engine-Z_App-Note_EN_v1.1
Supported card types – ID-engine X | ACCESS100: Baltech_Legacy_ID-engine-X_ACCESS100_Cardtypes_EN_v1.2

Firmware ID 1019 – ID-engine SD | ID-engine PAD

Stable: 1019_ide_standard_1_43_03
Beta: 1019_ide_standard_1_50_03

CDC/VCOM drivers

For ID-engine SD and ID-engine PAD: 2100_usb_to_virtual_com_port_driver_6_07_02
You need this driver independent of your Windows version.

For ID-engine Z on Windows 7 and 8: 6002_baltech_vcom_driver_6_99_03
On higher Windows versions, no driver is needed for ID-engine Z.

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